About the Project

This research project explores how young people use digital technology and how this changes over the course of adolescence. We are interested in how different factors (individual, social, and contextual) shape the kinds and extent of technology use, and in particular, patterns of internet usage that may be risky. To this end, we are conducting a four-year longitudinal study. We are asking South Australian secondary school students to fill out a simple survey once a year that asks them about their Internet preferences, activities, and capabilities. The first survey will be conducted in 2018, followed annually by surveys in 2019, 2020, and 2021.

The original and novel data collected through this longitudinal survey will make possible the identification of:

  • The ways that adolescent digital preferences, uses and capabilities change over time; and

  • The specific technical and social circumstances by which adolescents are drawn into risky online activities.

For additional information about this project, please see our list of Frequently Asked Questions for both Parents and Participants.

If you, or your child do not want to participate in this project, please complete and submit the OPT-OUT form. You do not need to fill out this form if you and your child consent to participation.

This project is supported by the South Australia Department for Education and is funded by the Australian Research Council (Discovery Project 170103538). This project has been approved by the Flinders University Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee (Project number 7677).

Adelaide lab researchers and CONTACTS

Associate Professor Russell Brewer
Dr Katie Logos

Research partners

Emeritus Professor Andrew Goldsmith, Flinders University
Associate Professor Jesse Cale, Griffith University
Professor Thomas Holt, Michigan State University
Dr Tyson Whitten, Charles Sturt University

Additional resources